JustBuyIt FAQs for businesesses
Looking to get started with JustBuyIt as a seller but have questions? Have a look at our FAQs below.
Yes, you can cancel anytime
Yes, once you have been approved as a vendor on JustBuyIt, we have internal documentation detailing how to use the our platform and make the most of it. You can also reach out to us on WhatsApp and email.
No, JustBuyIt handles all shipping
Customer refunds will be forwarded to your business after vetting the refund request. It is then the responsibility of your business to rectify the situation with either a refund or by replacing the product.

- Publish a maximum of 15 products
Create, manage and accept bookings and appointments- Custom vendor dashboard
Ability to create store coupons- Message your customers
Create and manage a team- Access to vendor documentation
Store SEOManage own shippingGoogle and social media ads- Social media feature
Priority supportCustom built landing page
R0.00 p/m
+ 15% commission per booking and sale

- Publish a maximum of 35 products
- Create, manage and accept bookings and appointments
- Custom vendor dashboard
- Ability to create store coupons
- Message your customers
Create and manage a team- Access to vendor documentation
- Store SEO
- Manage own shipping
- Google and social media ads
- Social media feature
Priority supportCustom built landing page
R99.99 p/m
+ 12% commission per booking and sale

- Publish an unlimited number of products
- Create, manage and accept bookings and appointments
- Custom vendor dashboard
- Ability to create store coupons
- Message your customers
- Create and manage a team
- Access to vendor documentation
- Store SEO
- Manage own shipping
- Google and social media ads
- Social media feature
- Priority support
- Custom built landing page
R179.99 p/m
+ 10% commission per booking and sale
Still have questions?
Yes, you can cancel anytime
Yes, once you have been approved as a vendor on JustBuyIt, we have internal documentation detailing how to use the our platform and make the most of it. You can also reach out to us on WhatsApp and email.
Businesses under the standard and premium plans can handle their own shipping